Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Mexican Restaurant

To celebrate Jordan's birthday on year, we decided to eat a Mexican restaurant in Nashville where we were living at the time (no big surprise). We were finishing up our meal when Jeff decided to tell the waiter that is was Jordan's birthday.

All of a sudden all the waiters appeared with a sombrero for Jordan singing "Happy Birthday". To celebrate Jordan's birthday he had chosen a favorite local Mexican restaurant on the east side of Nashville. Secretly Jeff had informed our waiter than it was his birthday.

The waiter came bearing fried ice-cream. He set it down in front of Jordan and said something to him. Jordan nodded to him and the waiter picked up the spoon with some ice-cream on it as they finished the song. Jordan thought he was going to put the ice-cream in his mouth, but to his great surprise he quickly turned it over and put the spoonful on his nose - a real Kodak moment. You should have seen the look on Jordan's face. We laughed until we had tears rolling down our face.

We are on the letter "E" of heart this week and it stands for the importance of eating together. Recent research has pointed to the importance of this simple activity in terms of the bonding among family members. It is interesting that families today have to be very deliberate to make this happen - something that would have been a given a couple generations ago as many grew up on farms and of course, you ate each meal together.

It's not always easy today between long hours at work, school and after-school activities, but there is something so common, and yet so special, about sitting around the table and sharing a meal together. Although both our sons are in college and 800 miles away, one of the first things that we plan on visits back to Omaha is a time to eat together. There is conversation, catching up, remembrances and all these things help renew and strengthen the bond between us to this day.

The funny thing about those stories is that I called Josiah up on the phone last night and this is the humorous story he remembered about eating together. This probably happened at least 10 years ago. We still laughed about it for a long time as if it just happened a week ago!

Do you have a story that you would like to share about your family eating together. I sure would like to hear it!

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