Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So What is a Next Generation Parent?

When you think of being a parent, do you simply rely on a biological definition that involves either the expected or unexpected consequences of dabbling in the birds and the bees? Or do you take a financial approach in calculating the latest cost of pampers per jar of strained squash, or knowing by heart the latest estimates of the dollars it takes to get that child out of diapers and through college? Or do we gravitate towards a sociological definition - taking in current cultural trends of households and fluid definition of what it means to be family?

A Next Generation Parent is one who approaches parenthood from a different perspective. They don't take all their cues from the latest sitcom to air or the newest so-called expert to join Oprah or Dr. Phil. This is a person who believes that since God designed this whole reproductive process, this same God has a plan for fatherhood and motherhood. They turn to the Scriptures, and from there, catch a broader and compelling understanding of what it means to be a mom or dad. One of the places they land is Psalm 78:4 which says:

"We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praise worthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done."

Honestly, this call to tell the next generation doesn't limit itself to fathers or mothers, but includes every follower of Jesus Christ, and yet the primary focus in God's Word always begins in the home.
So this blog is dedicated to those moms and dads who get this and are committed to being that kind of next generation parent. We'll be asking you to respond to various blogs and questions with what you've seen or experienced. The goal is that we would encourage one another and help equip one another to be even stronger next generation parents and disciples of Christ.

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