Friday, May 14, 2010

"Its MY Birthday, Right?"

"It's MY birthday, right?" I can still hear those words in my mind when Josiah turned four. We were living in Nashville at this time - this was the closest we had been to family in a long time. Jeff's dad and his wife lived about forty minutes away from us so they were coming to celebrate Josiah's birthday and he was excited! For a four year old, birthdays meant presents, cake, fun and lots of attention, especially with grandma and grandpa coming.

We had just finished eating dinner together and now it was finally the time Josiah had been waiting for with great anticipation - opening up all his presents. He was in the middle of the living room surrounded by his gifts. Jordan who was six was sittting close beside him so he could be part of the action too.
Josiah opened up his first present from grandpa and grandma, but then something happened that totally threw Josiah off his game. Grandma and grandpa had a present for Jordan too. Josiah didn't know how to handle this so he stood up and said in his cute little somewhat southern (remember he was born in Arkansas) four year old voice: "It's MY birthday, right?"

Everybody burst out laughing because how do you explain to a four year old why his six year old brother was getting a present too when it wasn't his birthday at all. Grandma and Grandpa patiently explained to him that they wanted to get Jordan a little something so that Jordan wouldn't feel totally left out. That explanation seemed to satisfy him and he ended up having a great birthday.

Over the years when Josiah celebrates his birthday - we all think of that story. In fact when he turned twenty I sent him a message saying..."It's MY birthday, right?" I laughed as I sent that message. And Josiah texted his own sign of laughter in return.

That's what the letter "R" in HEART is all about. It is for remembering the good times in your family. Your family has been building up its own collection of "good times" to remember. It can be a vacation you've gone on; special achievemnets or milstones you've celebrated, or holidays you've shared together. When we recall them, it's a time of reconnecting and sharing. The boys often ask us to retell stories that we've already retold numerous times. It's fun to laugh and remember the times we've had growing as a family.

This week reflect on some of the "good times" you've had with your family.

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